Nigella Experiment – Day Four – Gateau Breton

Day 3 – Gateau Breton (page 11)

This is another cake from the section titled ‘Loaf and Plain Cakes‘ and Nigella isn’t kidding…they are just, well, SO plain!! and a little bit boring. Only two more to go after this one to get to a new section of filled cakes which look lovely.

Anyway, sticking to my commitment to cooking all of the recipes in turn I dutifully made the next one in the book the Gateau Breton (sorry for blurry photo it’s quite hard sometimes to re-photograph the pics in the book):


Otherwise known as a Brittany butter cake it was in fact quite fun to make as used a different method to any of the others. Instead of mixing up ingredients you use a dough hook to make a golden sticky dough and squish it into the cake tin by hand.

Glazed with an egg wash and prodded with a fork to make a design on the top. I had a mental block as to what a lattice pattern would be and Paul described my version as a seagull pattering about. Hmm anyway it didn’t matter as after cooking all trace of my extensive fork work had disappeared.

Two willing victims I mean tasters appeared out of the blue – Corrina & Dylan and in my rush to force, I mean offer them a slice I didn’t take a photo of the whole cake. But here it is after a few slices being removed:


Dylan struggled to finish his small slice and I think that is the most common reaction amongst tasters so far. This cake is very rich and a bit bland. Not a lot going on taste-wise but it makes you feel a bit bluurgghh quite quickly. Paul went over to Marie & Stephen’s to collect Maddie and took them a slice each and Marie described it as ‘ok, but not her favourite‘.

Marks out of 10: 4 – only really giving it this mark as it looks lovely and matches the picture in the book.

Bakers comment: fun to make, but what is the point when no one wants to eat it?!